Combined Heat and Power Lincolnshire

Profitable Solution for Heat & Power

(CHP) Combined Heat & Power units use natural gas to power an engine designed to generate electricity through an alternator. The ability to recover waste heat and convert it into usable heat improves savings further.

We analyse, design, install and maintain combined heat and power solutions in Lincolnshire which provide up to 50% in energy savings and typically pay back within 2-3 years.

Does my business need a CHP system?

  • Do you have a natural gas connection?
  • Do you spend over £75,000 on your electricity?
  • Do you have energy use overnight?

If you answered “yes” to the three questions above, a Combined Heat and Power solution may be appropriate for you, NerG can help you assess your suitability using our tried and tested methodology.

Contact Us


Modelling your existing energy data to ensure CHP is right for you and assessing the feasibility of a CHP engine to refine your technical specification and requirements.



Our Lincolnshire project management team develop a project plan to minimise operation disruption and our in-house team lead the installation through to operation.



Our team can operate and maintain the CHP with fully licensed service contracts up to 15 years, enabling you to focus on essential business activities.

The Benefits of CHP

NerG Heat & Power Solutions

Running a Combined Heat and Power solution provides a wide range of benefits.

Battery Storage Lincolnshire

Reduce Energy Costs

Using CHP – Combined Heat & Power to generate electricity can reduce your electrical unit rate by up to 45%, with CHP heat use increasing this to 50%.

Battery Storage Lincolnshire

Carbon Reduction

The economics of CHP is such that Green Gas can be used to dramatically reduce your operational carbon footprint.

Battery Storage Lincolnshire

Operational Resilience

If your operations are severely impacted by grid outages, then CHP’s can provide a lifeline by enabling island operation.

Battery Storage Lincolnshire

Heating and Cooling

Heat recovered from the engine can be offset against other heat uses on site, such as hot water, thermal oil or steam. CHP’s can also be used for tri-generation, where waste heat is converted to cooling via an absorption chiller.

Battery Storage Lincolnshire

Energy Security

By generating your own electricity, businesses can protect themselves against price volatility and guarantee a security of supply. As electricity gets proportionally more expensive than gas, it makes more sense to generate your own electricity.

Our Latest Projects

Biomass, CHP, Solar & District Heating

Building an ongoing relationship with our clients who trust us with their business is the goal, which is why we work incredibly hard to solve our customers queries to the highest standards. This is the reason we continue to work with 97% of our customers postinstallation. 

Glowing reviews are the blue skies to our Solar PV systems, they aren’t essential, but we thrive on them. Read our customer stories to see how working with NerG can reduce your heat and power costs as well as reduce your carbon output.  

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